

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月21日温尼伯、马尼托巴报道,10年前,加拿大石油行业的发展速度之快被预测为全球能源超级大国,但一系列的政治失误和令人生畏的环保激进主义,催生了一个功能失调的系统,要求欧佩克式的政府干预将其石油推向市场。 加拿大的日产量是490万桶,比美国、沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯以外的任何国家都多,但全球第四大石油生产国不得不将一条输油管道国有化,而艾伯塔省正在考虑购买火车,以处理储油量过剩的问题。 加拿大的危机恰逢大型生产商从欧佩克成员国(这些成员国大多集中在中东)手中夺取市场份额。全球石油需求预计在2019年超过1亿桶/日。由于中国、印度和其他发展中国家的需求不断增长,美国已将石油出口推高至创纪录高点。 加拿大西部用于生产柴油、汽油和喷气式飞机燃料的原油储量大约为3500万桶,是正常数量的两倍。 艾伯塔省政府表示,能源部门占加拿大国内生产总值近11%,但是加拿大石油的交易只占全球价格的一小部分,而每天的经济成本为8000万加元。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Political stumbles, savvy activists knock Canada’s oil sector to its knees A decade ago, Canada’s oil sector was growing so fast it was predicted to become a global energy superpower, but a series of political missteps and formidable environmental activism has created a dysfunctional system requiring OPEC-style government intervention to move its oil to market. Canada produces 4.9 million barrels per day (bpd), more than any country other than the United States, Saudi Arabia and Russia, but the world’s fourth largest producer has had to nationalize a pipeline and the province of Alberta is exploring buying trains to handle a glut of oil sitting in storage. Canada’s crisis coincides with big producers taking market share away from OPEC members, mostly clustered in the Middle East. Global oil demand is expected to surpass 100 million bpd in 2019. The United States has driven exports to record highs on growing demand from China, India and other developing countries. Roughly 35 million barrels, twice the normal amount, of Western Canadian crude used to produce diesel, gasoline and jet fuel is stuck in storage. The energy sector accounts for nearly 11 percent of Canada’s gross domestic product. However, Canadian oil trades at a fraction of global prices, costing the economy C$80 million per day, the Alberta provincial government said. ​  
