

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社北京、新加坡报道,周三,随着全球股市出现企稳迹象,油价有所反弹,但由于对供应过剩和全球经济放缓的担忧,原油仍处于压力之下,这已导致在过去的三个交易日中油价的大幅下跌。 在格林尼治标准时间0722时,西德州中级期货(WTI)指数上涨7美分,涨幅0.15%,至每桶46.31美元,而在前一天的交易中,该指数下跌7.3%,触及2017年8月以来的最低水平。 全球基准布伦特原油期货价格上涨20美分,涨幅0.36%,至每桶56.46美元。而在周二,该指数下跌了5.6%,一度触及14个月来的低点。 布伦特原油价格较10月3日每桶86.74美元的峰值下跌逾30%,而WTI较10月4日创下的每桶76.9美元的多年高点下跌近40%。 新加坡期货经纪公司OANDA亚太区交易主管Stephen Innes表示:“WTI 价格在周三相对稳定,风险情绪似乎正在企稳,交易员在美国市场上寻求一些安慰。但我们与投资者的任何看涨情绪仍相去甚远。” 美国石油研究所周二表示,上周美国原油库存意外上升,汽油库存增加,这进一步加剧了对供应过剩的担忧。 与此同时,分析师表示,由欧佩克牵头的即将到来的减产计划(这些计划要到下月才会启动)迄今未能刺激市场。而沙特阿拉伯、美国及俄罗斯的产量一直处于或接近创纪录的高位。美国政府表示,预计到12月底,页岩产量将首次攀升至每天800万桶以上。一位业内人士告诉路透社,俄罗斯石油本月产量达到创纪录的1142万桶/日。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Oil prices claw back some ground, but oversupply worries drag Oil prices clawed back some ground on Wednesday as global equity markets showed signs of stabilizing, but crude was still under pressure from worries about oversupply and a slowing global economy that had driven sharp losses in the last three sessions. West Texas Intermediate futures (WTI) had climbed 7 cents, or 0.15 percent, to $46.31 per barrel by 0722 GMT, after plunging 7.3 percent the day before in a session when it touched its lowest since August 2017. Global benchmark Brent crude futures rose 0.36 percent, or 20 cents, to $56.46 per barrel. They dropped 5.6 percent on Tuesday, at one point hitting a 14-month low. Brent is down more than 30 percent from a recent peak of $86.74 per barrel on Oct. 3, while WTI has declined nearly 40 percent from a multi-year high of $76.9 per barrel recorded on Oct. 4. “(WTI prices are holding on Wednesday as) traders look for some solace in U.S. equity markets as risk sentiment appears to be stabilizing,” said Stephen Innes, head of trading for Asia-Pacific at OANDA. “But we are far removed from any bullish flip in investor sentiment.” Further adding to the oversupply concerns, the American Petroleum Institute on Tuesday said U.S. crude stocks rose unexpectedly last week, while gasoline inventories increased. Meanwhile, analysts said that upcoming output cuts led by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had so far failed to stimulate the market as they were not due to kick in until next month. Output from de facto OPEC leader Saudi Arabia as well as the United States and Russia – leading producers outside the group – has been at or near record highs. The U.S. government said shale production is expected to climb to over 8 million barrels per day (bpd) for the first time by the end of December. Russian oil output is at a record 11.42 million bpd so far this month, an industry source told Reuters.​
