

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社2018年12月13日休斯敦报道,据知情人士透露,Premier石油公司正在考虑投标收购美国石油巨头雪佛龙公司价值大约20亿美元的北海油气资产。 上述因此事属于私事而要求不透露名字的知情人士说,第一轮竞标将在本月底前进行。知情人士说,拥有大约5.78亿英镑(7.33亿美元)市值的Premier石油公司可能会寻求一个合作伙伴或者只购买这些资产的经营权。他们说,这家独立能源公司目前还没有作出最终决定,该公司可能会决定不报价。 雪佛龙公司和Premier 石油公司的代表拒绝置评。 由于美国一些最大石油公司正在寻求退出英国北海地区来专注于其它机会,Premier石油公司成为了寻求在英国北海扩展业务的许多独立勘探公司之一。最近被出售的资产包括康菲公司在北海的油气田。康菲公司已经进入排他性谈判,向英国亿万富翁拉特克利夫旗下英力士集团出售价值30亿美元的一揽子资产。 雪佛龙公司发言人上个月说,该公司已决定出售其在英国北海中部的所有资产,包括Alba、Alder、Captain和Erskine等油田以及Britannia、Elgin/Franklin和Jade等非运营项目。知情人士当时说,克莱斯勒控股有限公司和海王星石油天然气有限公司都在考虑竞购雪佛龙公司的英国北海油气资产。 李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社 原文如下: Premier Oil Eyes Bid for Chevron’s North Sea Assets Premier Oil Plc is considering a bid for a package of North Sea oil and gas assets put on the block by U.S. oil major Chevron Corp. that’s worth about $2 billion, according to people familiar with the matter. The first round bids are due before the end of the month, the people said, asking not to be identified as the matter is private. Premier, which has a market value of about 578 million pounds ($733 million), may tap a partner or buy only the operating rights for the assets, the people said. No final decisions have been taken and the independent energy firm may decide against a bid, they said. Representatives for Chevron and Premier Oil declined to comment. Premier is among the independent explorers seeking to expand in the U.K. North Sea as some of the largest U.S. oil majors seek to exit the region to focus on other opportunities. Assets that have been put on the block recently include oil and gas fields from ConocoPhillips, which has entered into exclusive talks to sell a package valued at as much as $3 billion to British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe’s Ineos Group. Chevron has decided to market all its U.K. central North Sea assets, including the Alba, Alder, Captain and Erskine producing fields as well as the Britannia, Elgin/Franklin and Jade non-operated projects, a spokeswoman said last month. Chrysaor Holdings Ltd. and Neptune Oil & Gas Ltd. are among suitors weighing bids, people familiar with the matter said at that time.  
