
德州Brownsville LNG出口终端通过环境测试

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月14日报道,周五,联邦能源监管机构工作人员发布了一份环境报告草案,该草案表明了安诺瓦LNG公司在德克萨斯州的Brownsville LNG出口终端在获得联邦政府批准建造方面又向前迈出了一步。 在这份被称为环境影响说明的报告中,联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)的工作人员得出结论,该项目的建设和运营将会对环境造成一些不利影响,但是,如果该公司遵循报告草案中的建议,这些影响不会很大。FERC在一份新闻稿中说,其委员们在决定该项目时将考虑到FERC工作人员的建议,但FERC并没有说委员们什么时候会做出这一决定。 Brownsville项目包括液化设施、两个液化天然气储罐、一个管道仪表站和海上转运设施。由芝加哥能源公司Exelon集团支持的安诺瓦公司在其网站上表示,Brownsville项目将耗资近30亿美元。 该项目旨在每年生产600万吨液化天然气,约为每天8亿立方英尺的天然气。而10亿立方英尺的天然气足够每天为500万个家庭提供燃料。安诺瓦表示,公司计划在2019年第四季度对该项目做出最终投资决定,并在2024年投入使用。 安诺瓦的项目是美国、加拿大和墨西哥正在开发的几十个LNG出口终端之一,这些终端正在寻找客户,以便在未来几年内建成,满足全球日益增长的燃料需求。 2017年,美国成为包括LNG在内的天然气净出口国,这是60年来的第一次。从目前正在建设的工厂来看,美国LNG的出口能力预计将从目前的约每天52亿立方英尺上升到2019年的每天89亿立方英尺,2020年的每天103亿立方英尺。 参与安诺瓦项目的其他公司包括Black & Veatch公司和Kiewit公司。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Annova’s Texas Brownsville LNG export plant passes environmental test Annova LNG’s proposed Brownsville liquefied natural gas export terminal in Texas took a step toward receiving federal approval for construction on Friday after staff at the federal energy regulator issued a draft environmental report. In the report, known as an environmental impact statement, staff at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) concluded construction and operation of the project would result in some adverse environmental impacts, but those impacts “would not be significant” if the company follows recommendations in the draft report. FERC said in a release its commissioners will take the FERC staff’s recommendations into consideration when they decide on the project. FERC did not say when the commissioners would make that decision. The Brownsville project includes liquefaction facilities, two LNG storage tanks, a pipeline meter station and marine transfer facilities. Annova, which is backed by Chicago-based energy company Exelon Corp, said on its website the Brownsville project would cost nearly $3 billion. The project is designed to produce 6.0 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of LNG, which is roughly 0.8 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) of natural gas. One billion cubic feet is enough gas to fuel about 5 million homes for a day. Annova said it plans to make a final investment decision to build the project in the fourth quarter of 2019 and put the facility into service in 2024. Annova’s project is one of dozens of LNG export terminals under development in the United States, Canada and Mexico seeking customers so they can get built over the next several years to meet growing global demand for the fuel. The United States became a net exporter of gas, including LNG, for the first time in 60 years in 2017. Looking at the plants currently under construction, U.S. LNG export capacity is expected to rise to 8.9 bcfd in 2019 and 10.3 bcfd in 2020, from around 5.2 bcfd in service now. Other companies involved in the Annova project include Black & Veatch Corp and Kiewit Corp. ​
