

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯休斯顿12月14日消息,由于需求持续下降,纽交所1月天然气期货合约出现同样情况,周五交易下跌29.7美分。 近月合约结算价为3.827美元/ MMBtu。 冬季剩余时间的月度合约紧随其后,2月份下跌27.4美分至3.753美元/ MMBtu,3月份下跌25美分至3.606美元/ MMBtu。 这一跌幅使得近月天然气期货合约价格触及11月12日3.788美元/ MMBtu以来的最低点。 这也标志着本周1月合约第二次日跌逾20美分。周三该指数下跌27.1美分。 自周一以4545美元/ MMBtu结算以来,1月份的合约已经下跌了63.9美分。 弗林说:“当它变冷的时候,每个人都吓坏了,但现在看起来它会变得更加温暖,所有这些恐惧都会消失。” 普氏分析师周五估计美国需求量为855亿立方英尺,较周四的985亿立方英尺消耗量下降36亿立方英尺。 自周一达到1054亿立方英尺以来,需求一直处于下降状态。本周的平均日需求为964亿立方英尺。 这一跌势预计将持续到周六,届时对840亿立方英尺的需求预计将持续。之后,消费预测略有增强,下周平均为882亿立方英尺/日,下下周为919亿立方英尺/日。 但这一水平仍然落后于本月迄今为止的需求,尽管本周需求大幅下跌,但日均需求仍为962亿立方英尺。 与此同时,干气产量仍然接近历史最高水平。周四的抽气量为845亿立方英尺。弗林说:“这是一个巨大的数字。” 年初至今的产量平均为805亿立方英尺/日。在2017年的这一时候,平均值为719亿立方英尺/日。 曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: NYMEX January natural gas futures contract falls 29.7 cents to lowest level in a month With demand continuing to descend, the NYMEX natural gas January contract followed the same path, dropping 29.7 cents in Friday trading. The front-month contract settled at $3.827/MMBtu. Monthly contracts for the rest of the winter followed suit, with February dropping 27.4 cents to $3.753/MMBtu and March down 25 cents to $3.606/MMBtu. That drop put the front-month at its lowest point since reaching $3.788/MMBtu November 12. The drop also marked the second time this week the January contract lost more than 20 cents day on day. On Wednesday, it fell 27.1 cents. The January contract has shed 63.9 cents since settling at $4.545/MMBtu Monday. “When it got cold, everybody was freaking out, but now it looks like it’s going to be a warmer winter and all those fears are going away,” Flynn said. S&P Global Platts Analytics estimated US demand at 85.5 Bcf Friday, a drop of 3.6 Bcf from Thursday’s consumption of 98.5 Bcf. Demand has been in freefall since reaching 105.4 Bcf Monday The average for the week was 96.4 Bcf/d. The slide is expected to continue Saturday, when demand for 84 Bcf is expected. After that, the consumption forecast strengthens a bit, averaging 88.2 Bcf/d over the next week and 91.9 Bcf/d the following week. But those levels still lag behind the demand seen so far this month, which still has averaged 96.2 Bcf/d, despite this week’s plunge. At the same time, dry production is still running at near-record levels. Thursday’s pull from wells was 84.5 Bcf. “That is a huge number,” Flynn said. Year-to-date production has averaged 80.5 Bcf/d. At this point in 2017, the average was 71.9 Bcf/d.  
