

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月14日报道称,到目前为止,2018年英国的液化天然气再气化量,在周四的天然气日期间上涨至5亿立方米,这一数字在周末有望逐年走高。 据英国国家电网公布的数据显示,到目前为止,英国三个液化天然气再气化终端共向英国国家输气系统输送了50.71亿立方米的天然气,在周四的天然气日期间共有7300万立方米天然气被送入该系统。 这使得2018年的再气化水平仅比去年下降1.8%,而1月1日至9月30日期间下降了47.4%,突显出近期英国液化天然气交付量的大幅上升。 2018-19冬季交付期间迄今为止,液化天然气产量增加的原因还在于亚洲对现货液化天然气的需求疲软以及运费的高企,导致大西洋地区的生产商将净库存从亚太地区流向大西洋盆地。 预计明年第一季度欧洲大陆通过Interconnector和BBL管道的流量将会有所限制,而亚马尔项目的第三条管线现已全面运营,英国似乎准备在2019年初继续将液化天然气作为灵活的供应来源。 徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: UK LNG 2018 regasification moves above 5 Bcm, catching up with 2017 LNG regasification in the UK so far during 2018 rose above the 5 Bcm during Thursday’s gas day and looks set to move higher on an annual basis over the weekend. So far this year, a total of 5.071 Bcm has been heated and sent into the UK National Transmission System from the UK’s three LNG regas terminals after a total of 73 million cu m was sent into the system during Thursday’s gas day, data from National Grid showed. This puts 2018 regas levels a mere 1.8% lower on the year after having been 47.4% lower between January 1 and September 30, highlighting the sharpness of the recent rise in LNG deliveries into the UK. Higher LNG volume so far during the Winter 2018-19 delivery period has come from a combination of weak Asian demand for spot LNG in addition to high shipping costs flipping netbacks from Atlantic producers away from the Asia Pacific basin and toward the Atlantic basin. With limited flows expected from Continental Europe through both the Interconnector and the BBL pipeline during the first quarter of next year, and Yamal’s third train now fully operational, the UK looks primed to continue to see LNG as the flexible supply early in 2019.  
