从商业角度上考虑,Oil & Gas UK公司已将七个部门重组为五个。公司表示重组后部门设置更加合理,部门成员增加40%后将会更集中的关注行业重点。
重组后部门和领导分别是:上游策略部Michael Tholen;商务部Stephen Marcos Jones;HSE部Mick Borwell;外联部Trisha O’Reilly和财务部Graham Elgie。
OGUK 首席执行官Deirdre Michie表示:“公司愿景是使英国大陆架地区成为最具吸引力油气地区,通过部门重组,我们明确了这一目标,也将帮助我们实现这一目标。”
来自/Ogj 5月6日消息 编译/吴海君
Following a business review, Oil & Gas UK has reorganized into five teams from seven. The trade organization also said it streamlined the number of work groups it runs for its members by 40% to provide greater focus on industry priorities (OGJ Online, Feb. 23, 2016).
The new teams and leaders are: Upstream Policy, Michael Tholen; Business Excellence, Stephen Marcos Jones; HSE, Mick Borwell; External Affairs and Communications, Trisha O’Reilly; and Finance and Corporate Services, Graham Elgie.
“Our vision is to ensure that the UK Continental Shelf becomes the most attractive mature oil and gas province with which to do business and we have revised our organization and identified objectives to help us realize that aim,” said Deirdre Michie, OGUK chief executive.
- 吴海君
- 毕业于中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发硕士,英语双学位。第一时间为您提供原创国际油气资讯,真实反映每时每刻新闻热点,秉承国际化视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻。