中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月10日伦敦报道,石油公司应对气候变化的压力越来越大,此前一个活跃的团体首次提交了一份股东决议,敦促英国石油公司为减少总的碳排放设定严格的目标。 这个荷兰组织(名为:Follow This)在过去三年中在荷兰皇家壳牌公司年度股东大会上发起了多项气候股东决议,并表示还向这家英荷公司提交了一份2019年的决议。 该组织在一份声明中表示:“还计划向埃克森美孚和雪佛龙提交一份决议,除非其他各方提出类似的决议。” 2019年决议呼吁这些公司根据2015年《巴黎气候协议》制定并公布减排目标,到本世纪末将全球变暖限制在2摄氏度。 目标应包括钻探和炼油作业产生的排放,以及燃烧燃料和塑料等产品的排放,这些燃料和塑料等产品被出售给全世界数以百万计的客户,即Scope 3排放。 英国石油公司首席执行官Bob Dudley多次反对设定Scope 3的减排目标。 Scope 3呼吁这些公司制定明确的指标来衡量温室气体排放,并披露进展情况。 Follow This创始人Mark van Baal表示:“鉴于石油行业能够达成或打破《巴黎气候协议》,因此减排目标应该列在每家石油公司的议程上。” 英国石油公司和荷兰皇家壳牌公司证实了这些决议已经提交。 英国石油公司一位发言人表示:“会将仔细考虑该决议,并在年度股东大会召开前,作为会议通知的一部分,向我们的股东做出回应和推荐。” 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: BP targeted with first shareholder resolution on climate goals Pressure on oil companies to tackle climate change is growing after an activist group for the first time filed a shareholder resolution urging BP to set hard targets for reducing overall carbon emissions. Follow This, a Dutch organisation that spearheaded a number of climate shareholder resolutions at Royal Dutch Shell’s AGMs over the past three years said it also filed one with the Anglo-Dutch company for 2019. It also plans to file a resolution with U.S. rivals Exxon Mobil and Chevron “unless other parties file a similar resolution,” it said in a statement. The 2019 resolution calls on the companies to set and publish targets for the reduction of carbon emissions in line with the 2015 Paris Climate Accords to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. The targets should include emissions from the drilling and refining operations as well as for the burning of fuels and products such as plastics which are sold to millions of customers around the world, known as Scope 3 emissions. BP CEO Bob Dudley has repeatedly opposed setting targets for Scope 3 emission reduction. It calls on the companies to set clear metrics to measure greenhouse gas emissions and disclose information on progress. “Targets should be on the agenda of every oil company, given that the oil industry can make or break the Paris Climate Agreement,” said Follow This founder Mark van Baal. BP and Shell confirmed the resolutions had been filed. BP “will consider the resolution carefully and make a response and recommendation to our shareholders as part of our Notice of Meeting prior to the AGM,” a spokesman said.