

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo网站12月7日利雅得报道, 沙特国际石油化工公司(Sipchem)和沙特撒哈拉石油化工公司(撒哈拉石化)6日在利雅得宣布,两家石化公司已经签署了一项具有法律约束力的商业合并协议。 Sipchem和撒哈拉石化表示,他们打算通过Sipchem提出推荐报价收购撒哈拉石化所有已发行股票以换取Sipchem按照资本市场管理局(CMA) 适用规则和规定发行的新股票来实现一个对等的商业合并。 根据交易条款,Sipchem将为撒哈拉石化每一股股票发行0.8356股新Sipchem股票。根据兑换率,Sipchem向撒哈拉石化股东支付的总对价将是发行3.66666666亿股新Sipchem股票。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo 原文如下: Sipchem, Sahara enter binding merger agreement Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem) and Sahara Petrochemical Company announced today that they have entered into a legally binding agreement for a business merger. Sipchem and Sahara said they propose to implement a business merger of equals by way of Sipchem making a recommended offer to acquire all of the issued shares in Sahara in exchange for the issue of new shares in Sipchem in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the Capital Market Authority (CMA). Under the terms of the deal, Sipchem will issue for every one Sahara share 0.8356 new Sipchem shares. Based on the exchange ratio, the total consideration payable by Sipchem to Sahara shareholders will be the issue of 366,666,666 new Sipchem shares.
