

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews12月5日休斯敦报道,美国著名石油生产商阿帕奇公司宣布,阿帕奇公司日前已开始从其位于北海英国一侧海域的加滕油气田(Garten Field)开发项目中生产石油和天然气。 阿帕奇公司表示,这口发现井已在11月底投产,投产时间距离开钻时间不到8个月。 阿帕奇公司透露,这口发现井目前日产1.37万桶石油和157亿立方英尺天然气。 阿帕奇公司负责北海地区业务的副总裁乔恩•格雷厄姆在一份公司声明中表示:“我们感到自豪的是,加滕油气田的投产时间大大超过了我们原定2019年第一季度投产的最初目标。” 李峻 编译自 RZNews 原文如下: Apache Brings North Sea Garten Field Online Apache Corporation has announced that it has initiated production from its Garten development in the UK sector of the North Sea. The company said the discovery well was placed on production in late November, less than eight months after being drilled. The well is currently producing at a rate of 13,700 barrels of oil per day and 15.7 billion cubic feet of gas per day, Apache revealed. “We are proud to have brought the Garten field online well ahead of our original target of first-quarter 2019,” Jon Graham, North Sea region vice president at Apache, said in a company statement.  
