

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网站12月4日报道,总部位于韩国的FSRU项目开发公司EPIK已与澳大利亚纽卡斯尔港(Port of Newcastle)签订了一项项目开发选择协议,启动拟议中的液化天然气FSRU进口终端的初步工程。 该项目名为纽卡斯尔液化天然气公司,位于纽卡斯尔港,该公司位于新南威尔士天然气市场,天然气价格仍高于亚洲液化天然气价格,EPIK周二在声明中表示。 EPIK创始人兼董事总经理Jee Yoon表示,“基于我们对新南威尔士天然气市场的评估,特别是沿纽约州和悉尼等沿海需求地区,我们有信心通过新的低成本FSRU进口LNG终端,我们将能够提供一个基础设施解决方案,能够长期为该地区提供具有成本效益的替代天然气供应来源。“ 纽卡斯尔港位于现有天然气输送网络的后端,是澳大利亚最大的港口之一,也是主要的贸易和物流枢纽,使其成为开发液化天然气进口码头的最佳区域。 Yoon补充说,该公司打算通过讨论其他潜在项目,如燃气发电厂和液化天然气加注设施,扩大与纽卡斯尔港的关系。 纽卡斯尔液化天然气项目的潜在投资估计在4亿美元至4.3亿美元之间,其中包括17万立方米的FSRU新建项目和相关的岸上基础设施。 EPIK预计将向FSRU新造船厂下订单,但需要获得监管机构对该项目的批准。 李方征 编译自 世界天然气 原文如下: EPIK nets FSRU project development deal in Australia EPIK, a South Korea-based FSRU project development company, has entered into a project development option agreement with Port of Newcastle, Australia to start preliminary works on a proposed LNG FSRU import terminal. The project, named Newcastle LNG, will be sited within the Port of Newcastle, located to serve the New South Wales gas market where natural gas prices remain higher than Asian LNG prices, EPIK said in its statement on Tuesday. Jee Yoon, EPIK’s founder and managing director, said, “Based on our assessment of the New South Wales gas market, particularly along coastal demand regions such as Newcastle and Sydney, we are confident that by importing LNG via a new, low-cost FSRU terminal, we will be able to provide an infrastructure solution that is capable of delivering a cost-efficient source of alternative gas supplies to the region on a long-term basis.” Situated at the back-end of the existing gas transmission network, Port of Newcastle is one of Australia’s largest ports and a major trade and logistics hub, together making it an optimal area to develop an LNG import terminal. Yoon added that the company intends to expand its relationship with the Port of Newcastle by discussing other potential projects, such as a gas-fired power plant and an LNG bunkering facility. The potential investment for the Newcastle LNG project is estimated to be between $400 million and $430 million, which will include a 170,000-cbm FSRU newbuild and associated on-shore infrastructure. EPIK expects to place an order for the FSRU newbuild with a shipyard subject to receiving regulatory approvals for the project.  
