

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月3日消息,加拿大自然资源部长Amarjeet Sohi已要求该国能源监管机构负责人尽快就消除加拿大西部石油进入炼油厂的任何障碍的短期和长期方法提供建议。该信已经在周一公布。此前,阿尔伯塔省采取了非同寻常的举措,在明年将原油产量削减近9%,相当于每天32.5万桶,以提振阿尔伯塔省原油的低迷价格。特别是,Sohi要求加拿大国家能源委员会确定现有管道能力是否在有效工作,找出影响管道能力的其他障碍以及实现铁路输送能力最大化的短期方法。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Canada Leans on Regulator to Help Address Crude Woes Canada’s Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi has asked the head of the country’s energy regulator to provide advice “as soon as possible,” on short and long-term ways to remove any impediments to moving western Canadian oil to refineries. The letter, released Monday, comes on the heels of Alberta’s extraordinary move to curb crude production by nearly 9% for next year, or the equivalent of 325,000 barrels a day, in an effort to lift depressed prices for Alberta crude. Specifically, Sohi asks the National Energy Board to determine whether the current process of identifying available pipeline capacity is working efficiently, identify other impediments to pipeline capacity and short-term ways to maximize rail capacity.  
