

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月3日新加坡报道称,业内消息人士称周一表示,由于中东原油基准迪拜经济疲软以及轻质石油等级利润率较低,沙特阿拉伯预计将在明年1月份下调其面向亚洲销售的各类原油价格。 在欧佩克和俄罗斯决定减产之前,沙特阿美公司将在本周确定1月原油装载价格。 路透社对六家炼油厂的调查显示,阿拉伯轻质原油的官方销售价格(OSP)可能会下跌50美分至每桶1.20美元,至最少三个月以来的最低水平。 他们表示,此次降价应会追随普氏迪拜从10月到11月份开始的1-3个月之间的77美分价差来设定。 虽然有几个因素表明,沙特石油在亚洲的价格将大幅下跌,但欧佩克主要成员国可能不会大幅降价,因为油价已大幅下跌。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Saudi Arabia may cut Jan prices for all crude oil grades to Asia Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia is expected to cut prices for all grades of crude it sells to Asia in January amid a weaker Middle East benchmark Dubai and low margins for light products, industry sources said on Monday. Saudi Aramco will set prices for crude loading in January this week, ahead of a meeting among the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia to decide on output cuts. The official selling price (OSP) for Arab Light may fall between 50 cents and $1.20 a barrel to the lowest in at least three months, a Reuters survey of six refiners showed. The price cut should track a 77-cent drop in Platts Dubai’s price spread between the first and third month in November from October, they said. While several factors point to deep price reductions for Saudi oil in Asia, the OPEC kingpin may not cut as much because outright prices have fallen sharply.  
