

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯11月29日消息,加拿大阿尔伯塔省省长诺特利表示,该省将在一周内就石油部门可能的减产做出决定。在加拿大广播公司播出的一次采访中,她表示,一些能源公司已经要求减产至多10%。就在一个多星期前,诺特利任命了一个小组,要求征求业内人士关于缩小阿尔伯塔省原油相对于全球基准原油的折价幅度所需采取即时措施的意见。阿尔伯塔省正在采取行动,以减轻western Canadian select(WCS)原油和西德克萨斯中质原油(WTI)之间巨大价差的影响。诺特利认为,这在一定程度上是因为输油管道容量不足。周三早些时候,诺特利公布了购买火车车厢的计划,以帮助每天向市场运送12万桶原油。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Alberta Decision Looming on Oil-Production Cuts Alberta will issue a decision on potential production cuts in the oil sector within a week, Premier Rachel Notley says. In an interview broadcast on Canadian Broadcasting Corp., she says some energy companies have called for an output cut of up to 10%. Just over a week ago Notley appointed a team to seek industry input on what immediate measures are required to narrow the discount Alberta crude is trading at versus global benchmarks. Alberta is moving to mitigate fallout from the significant spread between western Canadian select and WTI–due in part to a lack of pipeline capacity–which Notley argues is costing the Canadian economy C$80M a day. Earlier Wednesday, Notley unveiled plans to buy railcars to help ship 120,000 barrels of crude a day to markets.  
