

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯Neftegaz.RU网站11月26日塔什干报道,乌兹别克斯坦国家石油天然气公司(乌国油/Uzbekneftegaz)和俄罗斯鞑靼石油公司(Tatneft)将联合进行页岩油气、沥青和重质原油的开发和生产的研究工作,并利用卫星观测系统监测地球动力学变化。 这是在乌兹别克斯坦政府副总理阿利舍尔·苏塔诺夫和俄罗斯鞑靼石油公司首席执行官内尔·马加诺夫在乌国油总部举行会议期间宣布的,出席会议的还有乌国油、工业企业和组织的领导人。 俄罗斯鞑靼石油公司是乌国油的主要合作伙伴之一。双方之间的合作正在蓬勃发展。定期举行会议有助于加强双方的关系,在这些会议上讨论双边合作的前景,包括投资项目的共同执行。 双方在会上还讨论了在机械工程、石油化工、地质勘探、油田开发和提高采收率、经验交流和培训等领域的合作问题。 李峻 编译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Uzbek and Russian companies will produce shale oil and gas Neftegaz.RU. Uzbekneftegaz and Tatneft will jointly conduct research work on the development and production of shale oil and gas, bitumen and heavy oil, as well as monitoring geodynamic changes using satellite observation systems, the press service of the Uzbek company reported.
This was announced during a meeting in Uzbekneftegaz between Deputy PM of Uzbekistan Alisher Sultanov and Tatneft CEO Nail Maganov, which was also attended by the leaders of Uzbekneftegaz, industry enterprises and organizations. Tatneft is one of the leading partners of Uzbekneftegaz. Cooperation between the parties is developing dynamically. Strengthening ties is facilitated by regular meetings at which prospects for bilateral cooperation, including the joint implementation of investment projects are discussed. The parties discussed partnership in such areas as mechanical engineering, petrochemicals, geological exploration, field development and enhanced oil recovery, exchange of experience and training.  
