

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月23日消息,路透社援引未具名消息人士的话报道,印度炼油商Nayara能源公司正在从Trafigura Beheer NV、英国石油公司(BP)以及包括德意志银行和荷兰银行在内的一些银行获得以成品油担保的15亿美元贷款。 路透社报道称,Nayara能源公司将用未来四年中生产的汽油和柴油偿还上述贷款。俄罗斯国家石油公司Rosneft Oil持有Nayara 49%的股份。 据路透社报道,上述贷款将使Nayara能源公司今年来的借款增至30亿美元,尽管外界担心俄罗斯公司持股会令该公司遭美国制裁,此外该炼油商对伊朗和委内瑞拉石油的依赖也令人担忧。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Nayara Energy Set to Get $1.5 Bln Loan From Trafigura, BP, Banks Indian refiner Nayara Energy Ltd. is in the process of receiving a $1.5 billion fuel-backed loan from Trafigura Beheer NV, BP PLC and some banks–including Deutsche Bank and ABN Amro–Reuters reports citing unnamed sources. Nayara, which is 49%-owned by Russia’s Rosneft Oil Co., would repay the loan with future gasoline and gasoil cargoes over four years, Reuters reports. The loan would increase Nayara’s borrowing during the year to $3 billion despite concerns about U.S. sanctions given holdings by Russian companies and the refiner’s reliance on Iranian and Venezuelan oil, according to Reuters.  
