

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月16日奥斯陆报道,作为减少其对来自俄罗斯进口天然气依赖努力的一部分,芬兰在未来可能通过计划中的通过波罗的海国家和波兰的管道网从挪威接收管道天然气。 芬兰和爱沙尼亚共和国时下正在芬兰湾下面建造一条通往爱沙尼亚的名为“波罗的海连接器”(Balticconnector)的天然气管道,这条天然气管道建成后每天可输送720万立方米天然气。 Balticconnector 公司首席执行官赫尔科·普利特对采访他的路透社记者说:“这个计划旨在让芬兰完全接入欧洲天然气管道网并从其他来源获得天然气,例如:挪威天然气。” Balticconnector将允许芬兰通过波兰和立陶宛之间的一条将在2021年12月前建成的名为GIPL的管道进口管道天然气。GIPL管道反过来可以与计划中的通过丹麦连接芬兰和挪威的波罗的海管道连接。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Finland eyes imports of piped Norwegian gas via Baltics, Poland Finland could in future receive gas from Norway via a network of pipes being planned through the Baltic countries and Poland, as part of an effort to reduce its dependency on gas imports from Russia. Helsinki and Tallinn are constructing a gas pipeline under the Gulf of Finland to Estonia, called Balticconnector and with a capacity to transport 7.2 million cubic metres of gas per day. “The plan is for Finland to get fully connected to the European gas network and access gas from other sources such as … Norwegian gas,” Herkko Plit, CEO of Baltic Connector Oy, one of the two owners of the planned pipeline, told Reuters. Balticconnector would allow such imports of piped gas via a pipeline between Poland and Lithuania called GIPL, due to be completed by December 2021, which in turn could be connected to the planned Baltic Pipe linking Poland to Norway, via Denmark.  
