中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月13日伦敦报道,俄罗斯原油管道运营商俄罗斯国家石油管道运输公司(Transneft)13日在莫斯科表示,由于一场风暴,俄罗斯濒临黑海的港口新罗西斯克港(Novorossiisk)的原油装载作业已经暂停。 市场消息人士周一称,这场周日晚上开始的风暴也暂停了该港口的船舶加油作业。 Transneft说,俄罗斯其他港口的出口原油装载作业正按计划进行。 与此同时,上周扰乱俄罗斯远东港口科兹米诺港(Kozmino)运营的暴风雨天气周五晚间已经结束,该港口周末又开始原油装载作业。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Storm at Novorossiisk halts crude oil loadings; operations normal at other Russian ports Platts November 13, 2018 London — Crude loadings have been suspended at the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiisk due to a storm, crude pipeline operator Transneft said. The storm, which started Sunday night, had also suspended bunkering operations, market sources said Monday. Elsewhere operations at the Russian ports are going ahead as scheduled, Transneft said. Meanwhile, stormy weather which disrupted operations last week at the Russian Far East port of Kozmino ended on Friday evening and loadings resumed over the weekend.