
OMV与萨普拉签署合作 协议并有望打开亚洲市场

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月9日维也纳报道,奥地利石油和天然气集团OMV已经同意与马来西亚萨普拉能源公司(Sapura Energy)建立合资企业,以5.4亿美元购买萨普拉勘探资产的50%股份,旨在将其作为进一步打开亚洲市场的跳板。 OMV已宣布,在其向欧洲以外低成本国家扩张的战略中,东南亚将成为一个新的核心市场,其重点是满足天然气需求,因为与石油相比,其二氧化碳排放量较低。 该公司首席执行官Rainer Seele在上周五的投资者电话会议上表示:“这次收购在战略上非常适合OMV。”此外,它还使该公司进入了一个市场,该市场预计到2030年,对天然气和液化天然气的需求将增长50%。 这笔交易涉及到萨普拉能源公司上游被转移到一个新企业,称为SEB上游(SUP),在该业务中,OMV将购买50%的股份。 Seele表示,萨普拉上游的网络及其与马来西亚国家能源巨头——马来西亚国家石油公司的紧密关系也将有助于OMV在该地区的扩张。 OMV曾表示,计划在2023年之前,在东南亚每天生产10万桶石油当量。 Seele表示,萨普拉的上游产量目前约为每天1万桶石油当量,2023年后将达到每天6万桶石油当量。他补充说,大部分产量将被运往世界第三大液化天然气综合企业,主要由Petronas拥有和运营。 他表示,LNG已成为贸易增长最快的大宗商品,并且在亚洲的价格高于欧洲。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: OMV sees Sapura deal as springboard to further Asia expansion Austrian oil and gas group OMV has agreed on a joint venture with Malaysia’s Sapura Energy, paying $540 million for a 50 percent stake in its exploration assets, aiming to use it as a springboard for further expansion in Asia. OMV has declared Southeast Asia a new core market in its strategy of expanding in low-cost countries outside Europe, with a particular focus on meeting demand for natural gas because of its lower CO2 emissions compared with oil. “This acquisition is a great strategic fit for OMV,” Chief Executive Rainer Seele said in an investor call on Friday, adding that it gives the company access to a market where demand for gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected to grow by 50 percent by 2030. The deal involves Sapura Upstream being transferred to a new business to be called SEB Upstream (SUP), in which OMV will buy a 50 percent stake. Sapura Upstream’s network and its strong relationship with Malaysia’s state energy giant Petroliam Nasional(Petronas) will also help OMV to expand in the region, Seele said. The Austrian group plans to produce 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day in Southeast Asia by 2023, it has said previously. Sapura’s upstream production currently stands at about 10,000 boe per day (boe/d) and will reach 60,000 boe/d after 2023, Seele said, adding that much of the output will be transported to the world’s third-largest LNG complex, majority owned and operated by Petronas. LNG, which has become the fastest growing traded commodity, fetches higher prices in Asia than in Europe, he said. ​  
