中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews.com网站11月6日伦敦报道。塞里卡能源公司(Serica Energy plc)周二在伦敦宣布,该公司麾下的英国子公司塞里卡能源(英国)有限公司日前签署了一项协议来收购位于英国北海的布鲁斯和基思油气田及其相关基础设施的额外股权。 根据协议,塞里卡能源(英国)有限公司将收购布鲁斯油田的3.75%股权以及日本丸红油气有限公司拥有的基思油田及其相关基础设施的8.33%股权。 这笔交易的生效日期为2018年1月1日,交易的完成取决于此前宣布的英国石油公司(BP)收购布鲁斯、基思和拉姆油气田权益的交易是否完成。 塞里卡能源(英国)有限公司最新的交易将使该公司在布鲁斯和基思油气田的所有权在交易完成后分别巩固在98%和100%。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Serica Boosts Stake in North Sea Assets Serica Energy plc announced Tuesday that Serica Energy (UK) Limited has signed a deal to acquire additional interests in the Bruce and Keith fields and associated infrastructure in the UK North Sea. Under the deal, Serica UK will acquire the 3.75 percent interest in the Bruce field and the 8.33 percent interest in the Keith field and associated infrastructure owned by Marubeni Oil & Gas (UK) Limited. The transaction has an effective date of January 1, 2018 and completion is subject to completion of a previously announced acquisition of interests in the Bruce, Keith and Rhum fields from BP. Serica UK’s latest deal will result in the company consolidating its ownership of the Bruce and Keith fields to 98 percent and 100 percent, respectively, post-completion.