

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月1日哥本哈根报道,丹麦沃旭能源集团周四公布的第三季度利润远高于分析师的预期,并提升了今年的前景,这在一定程度上要归功于新的海上风能项目的贡献。 目前,该集团预计今年税息折旧及摊销前利润(除新合伙协议外)将在130亿至140亿丹麦克朗,从先前指导的125亿丹麦克朗增至135亿丹麦克朗。 首席执行官Henrik Poulsen在一份声明中指出:“增加的主要原因是我们的海外建设项目取得了良好的进展,德国的博库姆里夫格朗2号项目的发电速度更快。” 天然气价格的上涨也推动了第三季度收益的增长。 去年,公司将其石油和天然气部门出售给了英力士,将自己重塑为可再生能源公司,这吸引了对绿色投资感兴趣的投资者,在环保政策的推动下,绿色投资得到了提振。 沃旭能源集团(之前称为丹能风力公司)公布的税息折旧及摊销前利润为22.3亿丹麦克朗(3.4亿美元),而路透社分析师的一项调查预测为18.5亿丹麦克朗。 沃旭能源集团表示,包括英国霍恩西1合伙企业的利润在内,该公司仍预计今年的税息折旧及摊销前利润将显著高于2017年实现的225亿丹麦克朗。 分析师们平均预计2018年的税息折旧及摊销前利润将达到273亿丹麦克朗。 与去年同期相比,公司7月至9月的发电量增长了12%。 该公司还表示,它在9月份康涅狄格州的一次清洁能源拍卖中提交了投标书,并预计在今年年底前收到拍卖结果。 今年8月,该公司宣布将收购美国风电场开发商林肯清洁能源。 Poulsen在一份声明中表示:“第三季度,我们在美国市场获得了一个非常强劲和长期的增长平台。” 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Denmark’s Orsted Q3 beats expectations, lifts 2018 outlook Danish energy group Orsted posted third-quarter profit well above analyst expectations on Thursday and lifted its outlook for the year, in part thanks to the contribution from new offshore wind projects. Orsted now expects EBITDA for the year excluding new partnership deals at 13 billion to 14 billion Danish crowns, up from 12.5 billion to 13.5 billion previously guided. “The increase is primarily due to good progress on our offshore construction projects,” Chief Executive Henrik Poulsen said in a statement, noting a faster ramp-up of power generation at the Borkum Riffgrund 2 project in Germany. Higher natural gas prices also helped to lift earnings in the third quarter. Orsted is rebranding itself as a renewable energy firm after it sold its oil and gas unit to Ineos last year, courting investors interested in green investments which have seen a boost amid policies to protect the climate. The firm, formerly known as DONG Energy, reported earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of 2.23 billion Danish crowns ($340 million), compared with 1.85 billion crowns forecast in a Reuters analyst survey. Including profits from the Hornsea 1 partnership in the UK, Orsted said it still expects EBITDA for the year to be “significantly higher” than the 22.5 billion achieved in 2017. Analysts on average expect EBITDA of 27.3 billion for 2018. The company’ power generation increased 12 percent between July and September compared to a year earlier. The company also said it submitted a bid in a clean energy auction in Connecticut in September and expects to receive the outcome of the auction before the end of the year. The bid comes after it said in August it would acquire U.S. wind farm developer Lincoln Clean Energy. “During the third quarter we have secured a very strong and long-term growth platform in the American market,” Poulsen said in a statement. ​  
