中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月1日印尼杜阿岛报道,印尼一位政府部长周四表示,该国正在努力维持其棕榈油在国际市场上的地位,并考虑降低棕榈油出口税。 印尼经济事务协调部长Darmin Nasution在印尼举行的一次行业会议上发言时表示,政府将采取的措施包括对征税进行“调整”。不过他后来告诉记者这仍在讨论中。 世界上最大的棕榈油生产国印度尼西亚目前对各种棕榈油产品征收每吨50美元的税。 印尼棕榈油协会GAPKI上周表示,它曾提议将棕榈油出口税每吨削减20美元,直到这种植物油价格达到每吨700美元。 一年多来,政府对原油棕榈油的参考价格一直保持在每吨750美元以下。 Nasution表示,政府将在未来两个月内深入讨论征费调整问题,希望在年底左右做出决定。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Indonesia considers reducing its levy on palm oil exports Indonesia is considering reducing its levy on palm oil exports, a government minister said on Thursday, as the nation pushes to maintain its position in international markets for the commodity. Indonesia’s coordinating minister for economic affairs, Darmin Nasution, said during a speech at an industry conference in Indonesia that an “adjustment” to the levy was among steps to be taken by the government, although he later told reporters that this was still being discussed. Indonesia, the world’s top producer of the commodity, currently imposes a levy of up to $50 per tonne on various palm oil products. Indonesia’s palm oil association, GAPKI, said last week that it had proposed cutting the palm oil export levy by $20 per tonne until prices of the vegetable oil reach $700 per tonne. The government’s reference price for crude palm oil has stayed below $750 per tonne for over a year. Nasution said the government would discuss the levy adjustment intensively over the next two months, hoping to reach a decision around year-end.