
海王星能源公司完成对VNG Norge的收购

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油10月21日报道称,海王星能源集团已宣布结束收购VNG Norge AS,该交易签署于6月28日。 此次交易为海王星能源公司现有的投资组合增加了三块生产油田,两项开发项目和42个许可证,通过股权生产使该公司在挪威大陆架上跻身前5大独立生产商之列。 VNG Norge的资产基础与海王星现有的挪威投资组合高度互补,将其在Njord地区的股权比例提升至22.5%,并在Fenja开发项目中拥有30%的权益和经营权。Fenja是一个水下开发项目,将作为与Njord生产中心的合作支点,计划于2021年投产。 海王星能源首席执行官吉米表示:“此次收购与我们现有的投资组合形成了极好的战略契合,在挪威大陆架的核心区域增加了竞争性增长资产。它将进一步巩固海王星能源公司在海底开发,钻井,生产和工程方面拥有广泛的操作技能的产品组合。本次交易符合我们的战略,即以高质量和互补资产扩大我们在关键司法管辖区的地位。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: Neptune Energy Completes Acquisition of VNG Norge Neptune Energy Group has announced the closing of the acquisition of VNG Norge AS, as signed on June 28. The transaction adds three producing fields, two development projects and 42 licenses to Neptune Energy’s existing portfolio, consolidating the company amongst the top five independent producers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, by equity production. The VNG Norge asset base is highly complementary to Neptune Energy’s existing Norwegian portfolio, strengthening its equity position in the greater Njord area to 22.5% in Njord itself as well as a 30% interest in, and operatorship of, the Fenja development project. Fenja is a subsea development, which will be produced as a tie-back to the Njord production hub, and is scheduled to come on stream in 2021. Jim House, CEO of Neptune Energy, said: “This acquisition represents an excellent strategic fit with our existing portfolio, adding competitive growth assets in core areas of the Norwegian Continental Shelf. It will further underpin Neptune’s Energy’s portfolio with broad operating skills in subsea development, drilling, production and engineering. The transaction is in line with our strategy of expanding our position in key jurisdictions with high quality and complementary assets.  
