

中国石化新闻网讯 路透社10月21日报道称,两名知情人士透露,黑石集团已同意以约7亿美元的价格收购Ulterra 钻井科技公司,该公司是一家为石油和天然气行业提供钻头和井下工具的制造商。 根据油田咨询公司Spears&Associates的数据,总部位于德克萨斯州沃斯堡的Ulterra公司在2017年全球钻头行业的份额排名第五,收入约为2亿美元,占全球市场份额的8%。 黑石集团正从私募股权公司美国证券公司手中收购Ulterra,而美国证券本身于2016年收购了Ulterra。 一位消息人士本周表示,对Ulterra的收购得到了一项债务计划的支持,该计划目前正在正式推出前进行预售。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Blackstone to buy oil services firm Ulterra for $700 million Blackstone Group has agreed a deal to acquire Ulterra Drilling Technologies, a manufacturer of drill bits and downhole tools for the oil and gas industry, for around $700 million, two sources familiar with the matter said. Fort Worth, Texas-headquartered Ulterra had the fifth-largest share of the global drill bits industry in 2017, bringing in about $200 million in revenue, or 8 percent of the global market share, according to data from oilfield consultancy Spears & Associates. Blackstone is buying the firm from fellow private equity house American Securities, which itself acquired the business in 2016. The acquisition of Ulterra is being supported by a debt package which is currently being pre-marketed ahead of a formal launch, one of the sources said this week.  
