中国石化新闻网讯 据委内瑞拉《石油世界》10月12日新加坡报道,世界如今正在生产比以往任何时候都要多的石油和其它石油液体。 国际能源署(IEA)周五在其月度石油市场报告中说,全球第三季度原油日供应量突破了1亿桶大关,达到了1.03亿桶。包括原油、天然气液体、生物燃料和炼油厂加工增产在内的产量比去年同期平均日增230万桶,比第二季度平均日增130万桶。 IEA在报告中说,新的季度产出纪录突显出,尽管新能源汽车和可再生能源的销量不断上升威胁到了化石燃料的长期增长,但发展中国家对新供应来源的需求在短期内仍在增长。IEA预计,明年石油输出国组织(:欧佩克)以外国家的石油日产量将再增加170万桶。 与第二季度相比,欧佩克第三季度原油产量平均日增50万桶,美洲国家日增40万桶。根据这份报告,全球第三季度生物燃料的日产量也比上一季度增加了30万桶。 李峻 编译自 石油世界 原文如下: Global supply rose to 100.3 million barrels a day, world’s daily oil & liquids record Petroleumworld 10 12 2018The world is pumping out more oil and other petroleum liquids than ever before.
Global supply rose to 100.3 million barrels a day in the third quarter, the International Energy Agency said Friday in its monthly oil market report. Output, which includes crude oil, natural gas liquids, biofuels and refinery processing gains, was 2.3 million barrels above the same period last year and 1.3 million barrels a day higher than the second quarter.
The new quarterly output record underscores how growing demand in the developing world requires new sources of supply in the short term, even as increasing sales of new energy vehicles and renewable power generation threaten the long-term growth of fossil fuels. The IEA sees production from outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries rising another 1.7 million barrels a day next year.
The output increase from the second quarter was led by OPEC, which boosted production by 500,000 barrels a day, and the Americas, which saw a rise of 400,000 barrels a day. Biofuel production also increased by 300,000 barrels a day from the previous quarter, according to the report.