

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站10月12日休斯顿报道,根据挪威政府一封信函所说,由于美国第2大石油公司雪佛龙公司将转让其在挪威的一份勘探许可证中持有的最后股份,雪佛龙公司因此将成为第一家正式永久退出挪威大陆架的国际著名石油巨头。 包括美国最大石油公司埃克森美孚公司、英国石油公司和荷兰皇家壳牌公司在内的国际著名石油巨头已纷纷通过出售或合并他们在成熟地区的资产来专注于其它地区的新增长机遇缩减了他们在挪威的业务。 雪佛龙公司也在寻求出售其在英国北海的资产来专注于美国陆上页岩油气产量的增长以及哈萨克斯坦巨大的田吉兹油田。 根据路透社获得的挪威石油和能源部9月28日给雪佛龙公司的一封信,雪佛龙公司已同意把其在北极PL859勘探许可证中持有的的20%股权转让给挪威的DNO公司。 挪威石油和能源部在信中写道,雪佛龙公司的这一决定意味着“雪佛龙公司麾下的挪威分公司关闭了其在挪威的活动并永久离开了挪威大陆架。” 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Chevron becomes first oil major to exit Norway U.S. oil firm Chevron (CVX) will become the first oil major to formally exit the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) as it transfers its last stake in an exploration license, according to a government letter. Oil majors, including Exxon Mobil (XOM), BP and Shell, have scaled down their presence in Norway by selling or merging their assets in the mature region to focus on new growth opportunities elsewhere. Chevron is also seeking to sell assets in the British North Sea in order to focus on growing U.S. onshore shale production as well as the giant Tengiz field in Kazakhstan. According to a letter from the Norwegian oil and energy ministry to Chevron dated Sept. 28. and obtained by Reuters, Chevron has agreed to transfer its 20-percent stake in an exploration license in the Arctic, called PL859, to Norway’s DNO . The decision means that “Chevron Norway shuts down its activities in Norway and leaves the NCS permanently,” the ministry wrote.  
