

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻维也纳10月10日消息,全球著名的咨询公司International eChem表示,欧洲石油化工行业现在必须为贸易战、美国石化项目的大规模投产、英国脱欧和循环经济做好准备。 International eChem 总裁保罗•霍奇斯表示:“随着美国和中国之间的关税壁垒不断上升,欧洲市场很可能会经历来自美国出口商的聚合物和其他化学品的大量涌入,这些出口商正在寻找新的市场。” 在欧洲石油化工协会在奥地利维也纳举行的年度会议间隙,他表示:“这种情况我们必须高度关注,美中贸易战的日趋升级将令美国聚合物和化工产品出口中国市场受阻,因此很可能会来到欧洲。” 张春晓 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: Europe petrochemicals must face up to multiple challenges Europe’s petrochemical sector must prepare now for the trade war, US start-ups, Brexit and the circular economy, a leading chemicals consultant says. With higher tariff barriers going up between the US and China, the market in Europe is likely to experience an influx of polymers and other chemicals from exporters looking for a new home for their production, International eChem chairman, Paul Hodges said. Speaking on the sidelines of the European Petrochemical Association’s annual meeting in Vienna, he said: “The thing we have to watch out for is displaced product which can’t go from the US any more to China and therefore will likely come to Europe.”
