

中国石化新闻网讯 据《商业新闻》休斯敦报道,美国能源部日前公布的最新统计数据显示,科威特25年来首次停止了向美国出口原油。 美国上一次没有购买科威特原油还是在1992年,当时伊拉克军队进入科威特,导致了科威特当地石油行业陷入停滞。 根据美国彭博新闻社报道,科威特已把本国原油出口的重心从美国市场转移到了亚洲市场,亚洲市场目前占科威特原油出口的80%。 科威特生产的优质原油在亚洲市场的交易价格为每桶80美元。 沙特阿拉伯最近在许多方面取代了科威特,成为了美国最大的石油供应国。最近几个月,每天的石油运输量远远超过了100万桶。而每天向美国出口超过40万桶原油的伊拉克正紧随其后。 李峻 编译自 商业新闻 原文如下: Kuwait Stops Exporting Crude Oil to US First Time in Over Two Decades Kuwait has for the first time in 25 years halted its crude oil exports to the US, according to statistics published by the US Department of Energy. The last time that the US didn’t buy Kuwaiti oil was back in 1992, which saw Iraqi troops enter the country, bringing the local oil industry to a standstill. According to Bloomberg, Kuwait has shifted its focus from the US market to the more blooming Asian ones, which currently take up to 80 percent of the emirate’s exports.  Top quality Kuwait-produced oil trades at 80 dollars per barrel across Asia. Saudi Arabia has in many ways replaced Kuwait recently, becoming a top oil supplier for the US, with daily shipping amounting to well over a million barrels of oil in recent months. Iraq, with its over 400,000 barrels per day, is trailing just behind.
