

IMO新规临近 埃克森美孚计划扩张新加坡炼厂 中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯新加坡10月4日消息,埃克森美孚的一名高管称,该公司正打算在旗下新加坡炼厂内新建一个投资数十亿美元的项目,以便在全球船用燃料新规实施之前扩大清洁燃料产品业务。
埃克森美孚亚太燃料业务副总裁Matt Bergeron周三在新加坡出席一个会议时表示:“我们当前正在评估相关投资计划,这个项目旨在将较低价值燃料副产品转化为较高价值清洁燃料产品。”。
张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: Exxon Plans Expansion at Singapore Refinery as Rules Change Looms Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) is planning a multibillion-dollar project in its Singapore refinery to expand its clean-fuel-products portfolio before the rollout of new global maritime fuel regulations, a senior company executive said. “We are currently assessing” the investment plan, Matt Bergeron, vice president of the energy conglomerate’s Asia-Pacific fuels business, said Wednesday at a conference here. The aim is to install technologies that will convert lower value fuel byproducts into cleaner higher-value products, he said. The plan comes as the shipping industry prepares for a new cap on sulfur emissions that will come into effect in January 2020. The International Maritime Organization, a global regulator, will cap marine fuel’s sulfur content at 0.5% compared with 3.5% now. As the deadline nears, the industry is concerned about the availability and pricing of the cleaner fuels with lower-sulfur content that comply with the 2020 regulations. Mr. Bergeron said Wednesday the proposed investment would help produce the fuel that would meet the new standards. Exxon’s Singapore refinery is one of the company’s biggest by capacity. It also has a large integrated petrochemical complex in the city-state.  
