

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月28日伦敦报道,由于储备充足的亚洲公用事业需求疲软和健康的供应水平,亚洲现货LNG价格本周从多年的季节性高点进一步回落。 行业消息人士称,十一月亚洲的交货价格已降至11.1美元/mmBtu的低点,比上一周下降了40美分,预计10月份下半月的货物价格可能为10.7美元/mmBtu至11美元/mmBtu。 交易员表示,夏季和冬季之间的需求有所下降,亚洲公用事业尚未准备好为冬季采购,越来越多的货物正运往欧洲,这是亚洲需求低的另一个指标,而且全球供应状况良好。 但是在本月初,原油价格的上涨以及日本、韩国和中国在冬季供暖高峰期之前的现货需求将LNG价格推高至季节性高位。 预测显示,亚洲的公用事业似乎在10月和11月都有充足的储备,从10月到12月,日本的气温预计将高于平均水平,然而,韩国和中国部分地区的气温将低于季节性标准,这将有助于在未来几周内提振需求。 英国、比利时和荷兰预计在未来两周左右至少有7艘LNG油轮,比前几周多,这表明亚洲买家库存充足,汤森路透分析师表示,如果亚洲现货价格进一步上涨,将不得不提高对西欧的溢价,以吸引大西洋流域的石油产量。 在其他地方,印度表示,它将在10月底之前在西古吉拉特邦开始运营一个新的LNG进口设施,但要达到满负荷还需要大约一年的时间。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: GLOBAL LNG-Prices ease further on tepid demand, healthy supply Asian spot liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices have further receded this week from multi-year seasonal highs due to lacklustre demand from well-stocked Asian utilities and healthy supply. Spot prices for November LNG-AS delivery in Asia have fallen to as low as $11.10 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), down 40 cents from the week before, industry sources said. Cargoes for the second half of October are likely valued at $10.70 to $11.00 per mmBtu. Traders said demand had declined in the period between summer and winter and that Asian utilities were not yet ready to buy for the winter. More cargoes are heading to Europe, another indicator of low demand from Asia, and supply is healthy. Rising crude oil prices and spot demand from Japan, South Korea and China ahead of the peak winter heating season had pushed LNG prices to seasonal highs at the start of this month. However, Asian utilities seem well-stocked going into October and November. Japan is expected to experience warmer-than-average temperatures from October to December, forecasts show. However, parts of South Korea and China are expected to have temperatures below the seasonal norm, which could help lift demand in coming weeks. Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands expect at least seven LNG tankers over the next two weeks or so, more than in previous weeks and a sign that Asian buyers are well-stocked. Further gains could result in the Asian spot price having to rise to keep a premium to northwest Europe to attract volumes from the Atlantic basin, Thomson Reuters analysts said. Elsewhere, India said it would start operating a new LNG import facility in western Gujarat state by the end of October but it would take around a year to reach full capacity.
