中国石化新闻网讯 据WEBews.com网站9月28日伦敦报道,葡萄牙最大的石油公司高浦能源公司(Galp Energy)麾下的巴西子公司Petrogal首席执行官米格尔·佩雷拉周四表示,Petrogal计划在未来几年里每年在巴西投资8亿至10亿美元来开发其目前的油气资产以及增持海上股份。 Petrogal是巴西第三大石油和天然气生产商。佩雷拉表示,Petrogal希望扩大其在巴西海上盐下地区、尤其是在坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地的存在。在那里,数十亿桶石油蕴藏在厚厚的盐层之下的地层里。 佩雷拉是在出席在巴西里约热内卢举行的一次石油会议间隙向采访他的路透社记者发表上述讲话的。 在过去20年里已在巴西投资50亿美元的Petrogal在这个拉丁美洲最大石油生产国平均每天生产近11.3万桶油当量。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Petrogal to Invest Up to $1 bln per Year in Brazil Petrogal, the Brazilian unit of Portugal’s Galp, plans to spend $800 million to $1 billion annually in the coming years in Brazil to develop its current oil and gas assets and boost its stake offshore, its chief executive officer said on Thursday.
CEO Miguel Pereira said the company, Brazil’s third largest oil and gas producer, wants to expand its presence in Brazil’s offshore pre-salt areas, where billions of barrels of oil are trapped under a thick layer of salt, especially in the Campos and Santos basins.
“We want to be here, we want to grow here. We are here to stay,” Pereira told Reuters on the sidelines of an oil conference in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
The company, which has invested $5 billion over 20 years in Brazil, produces nearly 113,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) in Latin America’s top producer,