

据路透社9月28日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯能源部门的一位消息人士周五在接受路透社采访时表示,在9月1日至9月27日期间,俄罗斯的石油产量平均为每天1134.7万桶,并有望达到后苏联时期的历史新高。 8月份,俄罗斯的石油产量为每日1121万桶,与7月份相比几乎没有变化。根据该消息来源引用的初步数据,俄罗斯9月份的石油日产量比8月份石油日产量增加了13万桶。 能源部长Alexander Novak本月早些时候表示,9月份的石油产量预计将高于8月份。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Russian average oil output 11.347 bpd Sept. 1-27, set for record Oil production in Russia averaged 11.347 million barrels per day (bpd) between Sept. 1 and Sept. 27 and was on track to reach another post-Soviet high, an energy sector source told Reuters on Friday. In August, Russia’s oil output stood at 11.21 million bpd, virtually unchanged from July.Russia appears to have increased oil production by more than 130,000 bpd in September compared with August levels, according to the preliminary data cited by the source. Energy Minister Alexander Novak said earlier this month that oil production in September was expected to be higher than in August.
