中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月27日萨格勒布报道,克罗地亚再次延长了计划中的亚得里亚海北部浮动LNG码头的投标截止日期。 “截止日期已从今年9月28日移到12月20日,”克罗地亚国有LNG公司周四在其网站上发表声明称。它补充说,该决定是在潜在投标人提出请求后作出的,8月初第一次延长最后期限也是出于同样的原因。 该LNG终端计划作为欧盟从俄罗斯能源进口转向多样化的一部分,其目标市场是中欧和东南欧的国家。该终端价值2.5亿欧元(合2.9163亿美元),欧盟提供的资金略高于1.2亿欧元,其最终容量将取决于市场需求,目前暂定于2020年初投入运营。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Croatia extends bidding deadline again for Adriatic LNG terminal Croatia has again extended a deadline for submitting binding bids for the use of a planned floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the northern Adriatic. “The deadline has been moved from Sept. 28 to Dec. 20 this year,” state-owned LNG Croatia said in a statement on its website on Thursday. The decision was taken after a request from potential bidders, it added. The first time the deadline was extended in early August was for the same reason. The terminal on the northern Adriatic island of Krk is planned as part of the European Union’s efforts to diversify from Russian energy imports. The targeted markets are countries in central and southeastern Europe. The value of the terminal is seen at 250 million euros ($291.63 million) with the European Union financing just over 120 million euros. The capacity of the terminal, which has a tentative date for operation from early 2020, will eventually depend on demand.