

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站9月25日休斯顿报道,法国能源巨头道达尔公司日前已同意从美国雪佛龙公司手中收购后者麾下丹麦分公司雪佛龙丹麦公司在丹麦的全部股份。雪佛龙丹麦公司在丹麦地下石油集团(DUC)中拥有12%股份、在8/06许可证中拥有12%股份以及在Tyra West管道中拥有7.5%股份。 此次收购将使道达尔公司在DUC中持有的股份增加到了43.2%,其合作伙伴分别是荷兰皇家壳牌公司和丹麦国有企业Nordsofonden,分别拥有DUC的36.8%和20%股份。 在1972年开始生产的DUC在北海中部地堑地区拥有15个油田,其油气产量接近丹麦全国90%的油气产量。2017年的平均日产量为18.2万桶油当量。 这笔交易仍需得到合作伙伴和相关部门的批准。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Total increases share in Danish Underground Consortium Total SA has agreed to purchase from Chevron Corp. all the share capital of Chevron Denmark Inc., which holds 12% interest in the Danish Underground Consortium (DUC), 12% interest in license 8/06, and 7.5% interest in the Tyra West pipeline.
The acquisition will increase Total’s operated share of DUC to 43.2%. Partners are Royal Dutch Shell PLC, 36.8%, and Danish state-run Nordsofonden, 20%. The consortium, which started production in 1972, operates 15 fields in the Central Graben area of the North Sea and covers nearly 90% of the Danish oil and gas production. Production in 2017 averaged 182,000 boe/d. The transaction remains subject to approval of partners and relevant authorities.  
