

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月24日休斯顿报道,美国芝加哥商业交易所集团(CME)周一宣布, CME计划在休斯顿推出西德克萨斯州中质原油(WTI)的期货合同,这表明该集团预计将展开竞争以保住北美原油基准的地位。 大约两个月前,CME的竞争对手洲际交易所(ICE)宣布了其自己的WTI 休斯敦合同。 CME预计将在2019年1月推出“WTI休斯顿原油期货合同”,在美国中游公司企业产品合作伙伴公司(Enterprise Product Partners)旗下的墨西哥湾沿岸终端和管道的三个交货地点进行美国旗舰等级原油实物交付。 CME称,这3个交货地点分别是企业产品合作伙伴公司原油休斯敦终端、企业产品合作伙伴公司休斯敦船舶通道和热那亚卸货港。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: CME to launch WTI Houston crude futures, setting up battle with ICE The CME Group’s announcement Monday that it plans to launch a futures contract for West Texas Intermediate crude at Houston shows it expects to have to compete to retain its position as keeper of the North American crude benchmark. The CME’s move comes roughly two months after competitor Intercontinental Exchange announced its own WTI Houston contract. The exchange expects to launch with the January 2019 contract month a “WTI Houston Crude Oil futures contract,” representing physical delivery of the de-facto flagship US grade of oil at three delivery locations with midstream company Enterprise Product Partners’ Gulf Coast network of terminals and pipes. The locations are Enterprise Crude Houston (ECHO) terminal, Enterprise Houston Ship Channel (EHSC) and Genoa Junction, CME said.
