

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站9月12日休斯顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周三公布的统计数据显示,在到7日结束的那周里,美国原油库存出现了大幅下降,而汽油和馏分油库存出现了上升。 统计数据显示,上周美国原油库存减少了530万桶,而分析师预期将减少80,5万桶。 EIA说,上周俄克拉荷马州库欣的原油库存减少了120万桶。 统计数据显示,上周美国炼油厂原油加工量日增21万桶。炼油厂的利用率提高了1个百分点。 汽油库存增加了130万桶,略低于分析师预期。 EIA的统计数据还显示,上周包括柴油和取暖油在内的馏分油库存增加了620万桶,高于分析师预期的140万桶。 上周美国原油净进口量平均每天下降了44.3万桶。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: U.S. Crude Stockpiles Fell More Than Expected Last Week – EIA
U.S. crude stocks fell last week, while gasoline and distillate inventories rose, the Energy Information Administration said on Wednesday. Crude inventories fell by 5.3 million barrels in the last week, compared with analysts’ expectations for an decrease of 805,000 barrels. Crude stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, delivery hub fell by 1.2 million barrels, EIA said. Refinery crude runs rose by 210,000 barrels per day, EIA data showed. Refinery utilization rates rose by 1 percentage points. Gasoline stocks rose by 1.3 million barrels, slightly below analysts’ expectations. Distillate stockpiles, which include diesel and heating oil, rose by 6.2 million barrels, versus expectations for a 1.4 million-barrel increase, the EIA data showed. Net U.S. crude imports fell last week by 443,000 barrels per day.
