

    中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社墨西哥,维尔拉莫萨报道,墨西哥当选总统Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador上周六表示,预计到他的任期结束时,墨西哥的原油产量将从目前的180万桶/日,上升至每天至少260万桶。
    Lopez Obrador补充说,上周宣布的钻探油井的新标书将在国营石油公司Pemex的油田和浅水区进行。
    Lopez Obrador本周早些时候说,招标将于12月开始,但没有提供进一步的细节。
    Lopez Obrador将于12月就职,他长期以来一直批评即将离任的政府向私人资本开放石油工业的举措。
    这位墨西哥新领导人誓要加强Pemex的发展,并在墨西哥提炼更多的原油。     詹晓晶摘自路透社     原文如下:     Mexico’s Lopez Obrador: Crude output to hit 2.6 million bpd by end of his term     Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Saturday that crude production in the country is expected to reach at least 2.6 million barrels per day (bpd) by the end of his administration, up from current levels of 1.8 million bpd.     Lopez Obrador added that new tenders for drilling oil wells announced this week will take place on state oil firm Pemex’s [PEMX.UL] fields and shallow waters.     “The public investment will be dedicated to extracting petroleum in Pemex’s territory,” he said. “Those platforms that are not being occupied will have work again.”     Lopez Obrador said earlier this week that the tenders will begin in December but did not provide further details.     To boost production, Pemex will need to strike agreements with companies it has traditionally partnered with to begin drilling or tap existing wells, said Lopez Obrador.     Pemex’s production has hit its lowest level in decades, with its six refineries operating at just 40 percent capacity, increasing the need for fuel imports.     Lopez Obrador, who takes office in December, has long criticized the outgoing government’s move to open the oil industry to private capital.     The leftist has vowed to strengthen state oil company Petróleos Mexicanos PEMX.UL, known as Pemex, and refine more crude in Mexico.
