
Fenosa Gas联盟因埃及争端获得20亿资金

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气9月3日报道称,西班牙液化天然气运营商Naturgy(前身为Gas Natural Fenosa)表示,Union Fenosa Gas已获得国际争端解决中心关于埃及天然气供应争端的奖项。
Union Fenosa Gas是Naturgy和意大利埃尼集团各出资一半成立的合资企业。
Naturgy周一在一份声明中表示,ICSDI向Fenosa Gas联盟提供了20.1亿美元的税后和利息前资金,并声称 埃及“未能给予Fenosa联盟公平公正的待遇。”
徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气
Union Fenosa Gas gets $2 billion over Egypt LNG dispute
Spanish LNG operator Naturgy, previously Gas Natural Fenosa, said that Union Fenosa Gas has won an award from the International Center for Settlement of International Disputes in regard to a gas supply dispute in Egypt.
Union Fenosa Gas is a 50/50 joint venture between Naturgy and Italy’s Eni.
Naturgy said in a statement on Monday that ICSDI granted $2.01 billion after taxes and before interest to Union Fenosa Gas claiming that Egypt “failed to grant Union Fenosa fair and equitable treatment.”
