

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气8月28日报道称,由壳牌牵头、耗资400亿加元(310亿美元)、位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的加拿大液化天然气项目准备开始疏浚工程,以便LNG运输船等大型船只能够停靠在Kitimat港口。 据加拿大液化天然气公司称,这艘跨大陆架重型起重船上周抵达Kitimat港,船上载有5艘疏浚和支撑船,随后从甲板上浮起。 需要提醒的是,壳牌及其合资伙伴尚未就这个巨大的液化天然气项目做出最终投资决定。该项目将包括一个液化厂,由两列火车组成,每列火车每年至少能生产650万吨液化天然气。 董飞 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: LNG Canada dredging works set to start The Shell-led C$40 billion ($31 billion) LNG Canada project in British Columbia is ready to start dredging works to allow larger ships such as LNG carries to be able to dock in the port of Kitimat. The Transshelf heavy-lift vessel arrived in Kitimat last week carrying five dredging and support vessels which were floated off its decks subsequently, according to LNG Canada. To remind, a final investment decision has still not been made by Shell and its joint venture partners on the giant LNG project that would include a liquefaction plant consisting of two trains each with the capacity to produce at least 6.5 million tons per annum (mtpa).
