英国预定首批9月份LNG货物 中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气8月27日报道称,英国的南胡克液化天然气(LNG)接收站计划于9月份从卡塔尔接收第一批冷冻燃料。 米尔福德港港务局的运输数据显示,能够运输21万立方米冷冻燃料的Al Ghariya液化天然气运输船计划于9月1日抵达南胡克码头。 来自VesselsValue的AIS数据显示,Q-Flex液化天然气运输船在阿尔沃兰海航行,前往直布罗陀海峡, 根据国家电网的数据,周一早上从南胡克液化天然气终端到英国国家电网的天然气流量约为每天5.64 mcm。 徐蕾 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: UK books first September LNG cargo The UK’s South Hook liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal is scheduled to receive its first cargo of the chilled fuel from Qatar in September. Shipping data from the Milford Haven Port Authority shows that the Al Ghariya LNG carrier with the capacity to transport 210,000 cubic meters of the chilled fuel is scheduled to arrive at the South Hook terminal on September 1. The Q-Flex LNG carrier was sailing in the Alboran Sea, heading for the Strait of Gibraltar, AIS data from VesselsValue shows. Natural gas flows from the South Hook LNG terminal to the UK’s national grid on Monday morning was around 5.64 mcm per day, according to the data from the National Grid.