中国石化新闻网讯 据新加坡普氏能源资讯8月27日消息,海关的最新数据显示,泰国7月份出口了更多的汽车柴油、石脑油和喷气机燃料,但减少了重质燃料油的装运。 在七月,该国汽车柴油日产量88906桶,同比增长54.7%,主要出口越南、柬埔寨和老挝。出口石脑油55427 桶/日,比一年前高出3.5倍,喷气燃料21335桶/日,同比增长71.3%。 泰国七月出口重质油61290桶,同比下降1.4%,主要流向新加坡和柬埔寨。 泰国汽车柴油、喷气燃料、重燃料油和石脑油的出货量在前七个月都比一年前有所增加。 根据能源政策规划办公室8月12日发布的数据,该国2018年上半年石油产品国内消费同比增长2.7%,达到116万桶/日。 数据显示,目前泰国炼油总产能为123万4000桶/年,与2017持平。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Thailand’s exports of most oil products rise in Jul; heavy fuel oil exports dip Thailand exported more automotive diesel, naphtha and jet fuel in July, but reduced shipments of heavy fuel oil, the Customs Department’s latest data showed. During the month, the country exported 88,906 b/d of automotive diesel, up 54.7% year on year, mainly to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. It exported 55,427 b/d of naphtha, more than 3.5 times higher than a year ago; and 21,335 b/d of jet fuel, up 71.3% year on year. Thailand exported 61,290 b/d of heavy fuel oil in July, down 1.4% year on year, mostly to Singapore and Cambodia. Thailand’s shipments of automotive diesel, jet fuel, heavy fuel oil and naphtha all rose in the first seven months compared with a year ago. According to data from the Energy Policy and Planning Office released on August 12, the country’s domestic consumption of oil products in the first half of 2018 climbed 2.7% year on year to 1.16 million b/d. Currently, Thailand has a total refining capacity of 1.234 million b/d, unchanged from 2017, the data showed.