中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社挪威,斯塔万格报道,挪威国家石油公司(Equinor)周一表示,该公司提高了对其约翰斯维尔德鲁普油田的资源估算,该油田是北海30多年来最大的发现,同时也降低了开发成本。 据信,该油田目前的石油当量为22亿至32亿桶,高于先前预测的21亿至31亿桶。 Equinor表示,自今年2月以来,开发该油田的总成本已减少了60亿挪威克朗,降至1270亿挪威克朗(150亿美元)。 该油田运营商Equinor持有40%的股份,Lundin Petroleum公司持有22.6%股份,Petoro公司持有17.36%股份,Aker BP公司持有11.57%股份,Total公司持有8.44%股份。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Norway’s Equinor boosts size of giant Sverdrup oilfield Norway’s Equinor has increased its resource estimate for its Johan Sverdrup oilfield, the North Sea’s largest discovery in more than three decades, while at the same time cutting the cost of development, the company said on Monday. The field is now believed to hold between 2.2 billion and 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent, up from a previous forecast of between 2.1 billion and 3.1 billion barrels. The overall cost of developing the field has been cut by some 6 billion Norwegian crowns since February to 127 billion Norwegian crowns ($15 billion), Equinor said, as it presented its investment plans for the field’s second phase. Equinor, the operator of the field, holds a 40 percent stake, Lundin Petroleum has 22.6 percent, Petoro 17.36 percent, Aker BP 11.57 percent and Total 8.44 percent.