中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社8月24日报道称,在过去四个月中,投资者对全球原油价格将上涨的乐观情绪已经下跌近一半。 对冲基金对布伦特原油的净看涨头寸-积极资金管理者如何获利的价格衡量方法,自4月初以来已经下跌了49%,因贸易战令石油消费前景蒙上阴影。尽管北海油田罢工和美国库存减少,基准指数仍表现良好,但布伦特原油价格较今年5月份的峰值下降约6%。 美国银行财富管理部门负责1510亿美元资产的马克沃特金斯说。“当你开始关注全球不同的经济体 – 欧洲,亚洲时,新兴市场肯定会开始遇到一些阻力。”投资者“可能会更关注2018年的剩余时间,可能进入2019年,这一需求会比之前有所减弱。” 徐蕾 摘译自 彭博社 原文如下: Investor Optimism on Global Oil Price Wanes Over the past four months, investor optimism that global crude prices will rise has slumped by almost half. Hedge funds’ net-bullish position on Brent crude, a measure of how positive money managers are that prices will gain, has plunged 49 percent since early April as trade wars cloud the picture for oil consumption. Despite a good week for the benchmark amid strikes at North Sea fields and declines in U.S. stockpiles, Brent remains about 6 percent down from this year’s peak in May. “When you start to look at the different economies across the globe — Europe, Asia, the emerging markets are definitely starting to hit some headwinds,” said Mark Watkins, who helps oversee $151 billion at U.S. Bank Wealth Management. Investors “are potentially getting a little bit more concerned about the rest of 2018, and probably going into 2019, that demand might be a little bit softer than previously had been.”