

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月22日休斯顿报道,消息人士称,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油/Petrobras)周三购买了6船产自美国和地中海的柴油、汽油和高辛烷值汽油组分来弥补其位于巴西南部具有日加工43.4万桶原油能力炼油厂的产量损失。 周一早些时候,巴西国油麾下最大炼油厂波利尼亚炼油厂重新规划后的设施发生了火灾,为了以防万一,这个炼油厂暂停了生产。巴西国油的一名官员周三没有提供有关炼油厂状况或购买计划的信息。 消息人士称,巴西国油的产品储备量似乎只能维持8天的需求。 美国墨西哥湾沿岸的一名汽油交易商表示,他知道这批精炼产品货物被转移到巴西,但他不确定它们的来源。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Petrobras taps diesel, gasoline, octanes markets to replace lost output: trade Petrobras bought six cargoes of US- and Mediterranean-sourced diesel, gasoline and high-octane gasoline components Wednesday to compensate for lost production at a 434,000 b/d refinery in southern Brazil, sources said. A fire started early Monday at the Replan facility in Paulinia, Petrobras’ largest refinery, and operations there were halted as a precaution. A Petrobras official did not return messages Wednesday about the status of the refinery or the buying program. The source said Petrobras appeared to have enough product in reserve to last eight days. One US Gulf Coast gasoline source, a trader, said that he was aware of refined product cargoes being diverted to Brazil, but was not sure of their origins.  
