中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月22日科威特报道,科威特石油部长Bakhit al-Rashidi周三表示,科威特和伊拉克将很快任命顾问研究共享油田的开发。 长期以来,跨国油田的产量一直是这两个欧佩克国家之间紧张关系的根源之一。 在伊拉克1990年入侵科威特的准备工作中,巴格达指责科威特钻井越过边界,从伊拉克领土上开采石油。科威特否认这一指控。 两国应在年底前就共享油田的计划以及向科威特供应伊拉克天然气达成一致。 他表示:“共享油田项目的目标是从边境油田开采石油。”他补充称,应该由“一家公司和一个团队,共同生产,成本由双方分摊。” 他说,科威特和伊拉克将从两国已达成一致的四家候选单位名单中挑选一家咨询公司就该项目提供咨询,但没有提供更多细节。 科威特表示,尽管双方已于2017年就燃油价格达成初步协议,但向科威特一个石化项目供应靠近边境的伊拉克鲁迈拉(Rumaila)油田的天然气仍在等待两国的最终批准。 这些出口将偿还巴格达在1990年8月至1991年2月期间欠科威特的最后46亿美元战争赔款。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Kuwait, Iraq to study developing shared oil fields Kuwait and Iraq will appoint consultants soon to study the development of shared oilfields, Kuwaiti Oil Minister Bakhit al-Rashidi said on Wednesday. Production from cross-border oilfields has long been a source of tension between the two OPEC nations. In the build-up to Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait, Baghdad accused Kuwait of drilling wells that crossed the border and pumped oil from Iraqi territory. Kuwait denied the charge. The two countries should agree before the end of the year on plans for the shared fields and also on supplying Iraqi natural gas to Kuwait, the minister said during a visit to Al Doha East power plant, near the capital Kuwait City. “The shared oil fields project aims at producing oil from border fields,” he said, adding that oil should be extracted by “one company and one team, production will be shared and the cost will be split between the two sides.” Kuwait and Iraq would pick a consultancy firm to advise on the project from a list of four candidates that the two states have already agreed on, he said, giving no further details. A project to supply a Kuwaiti petrochemical project with gas from Iraq’s Rumaila field, near the border, is still awaiting final approval by the two countries even though Kuwait said in 2017 a preliminary deal had been reached on the fuel price. The exports would pay off Baghdad’s final $4.6 billion in war reparations owed to Kuwait for the invasion and occupation between August 1990 and February 1991.