
印度要求国有石油公司ONGC 在海外上市

中国石化新闻网讯 据8月21日路透社看到的一封信显示,印度政府要求其最大的国有企业,石油天然气公司(ONGC.NS)上市其海外子公司ONGC Videsh。 该公司在俄罗斯,巴西和伊朗等11个国家拥有生产资产,其上市计划是政府推动出售国有资产以筹集资金的举措之一。 投资和公共资产管理部在致印度石油天然气公司的信中表示,上市还有助于通过提高公司治理和效率来释放该部门的价值。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India tells state oil firm ONGC to list overseas unit The Indian government has asked its biggest state-owned firm, Oil and Natural Gas (ONGC.NS), to list its overseas unit ONGC Videsh, according to a letter seen by Reuters. The move to float the unit – which has investments in 11 producing assets in countries including Russia, Brazil and Iran – is part of a government push to sell state-assets to raise funds. A listing would also help unlock value in the unit by improving its corporate governance and efficiency, the letter from the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management to ONGC said.
