

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月20日新加坡/达卡报道,孟加拉国能源部长于本周一表示,孟加拉国已在该国开始运营首个液化天然气(LNG)码头。在这之前,由于技术问题和恶劣天气的原因,该项目造成了延误。 浮式储存及再气化装置(FSRU)于今年4月抵达孟加拉国,卸下其首次装载的卡塔尔液化天然气并作为进口码头永久停放,该装置于上周六开始运营。 这一启动项目将使孟加拉国能够进口液化天然气,以抵消国内天然气产量下降的影响,从而满足该国30%的人缺电的工业需求和发电量。 官员们表示,自从今年4月份抵达孟加拉国东南部考克斯巴扎尔附近的莫赫什卡里以来,恶劣的天气阻碍了FSRU的对接工作,使其无法与进口基础设施进行连接以及卸下第一批卡塔尔液化天然气。 这个拥有1.65亿人口的国家70%的能源生产依赖天然气资源,但随着需求的增加,不断下降的供应难以跟上,这促使它考虑一系列液化天然气项目。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Bangladesh starts operations at country’s first LNG terminal Bangladesh has started operations at the country’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, the country’s energy minister said on Monday, following delays related to technical problems and bad weather. The floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), which arrived in Bangladesh in April to offload its maiden cargo of LNG from Qatar and moor permanently as an import terminal, began operations on Saturday. It was initially expected to start in May. The start-up will allow Bangladesh to import LNG to offset falling domestic gas production, feeding industrial demand and power generation in a nation where 30 percent go without electricity. Since its arrival at Moheshkhali, near Cox’s Bazar in southeast Bangladesh, in April, bad weather has hampered the FSRU’s efforts to dock properly, connect to the import infrastructure and offload its first cargo of Qatari LNG, officials have said. The country of 165 million people relies on its gas resources for 70 percent of energy production but as demand has risen its falling supply has struggled to keep up, prompting it to consider a host of LNG projects.  
