

据安迅思新闻休斯敦7月12日消息,尽管新建裂解装置将陆续投产,但今年下半年美国丙烯市场供应仍将紧张,市场仍将面临价格飙升和需求破坏的局面。 中国石化新闻网讯 Enterprise公司新建丙烷脱氢(PDH)装置在2017年经历了多次延期投产后,今年上半年已经达到满负荷生产状态。这套PDH装置位于得克萨斯州的Mont Belvieu,设计产能为75万吨/年。该装置今年2月和3月的开工率水平仅为60%,4月份升至84%,到了6月份已经达到满负荷生产状态。该装置的延期投产以及投产后产能的缓慢释放,加上美国墨西哥海湾地区另外两套PDH装置的非计划停工,导致美国国内丙烯供应紧张,并刺激丙烯价格在2018年初飙升。
今年第一季度,陶氏杜邦公司旗下一套PDH装置经历了长达数月的非计划停工,而Flint Hills资源公司旗下一套PDH装置在今年1月份非计划停工数日。不过这两套装置的问题已经解决,二季度大部分时间里运行良好。
然而来自于炼油厂和裂解装置的丙烯产量的下降仍将令今年下半年美国丙烯市场供应保持紧张。6月底美国丙烯库存降至近两年来的最低点。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下:
US propylene market to remain volatile through 2018 US propylene supply may remain snug despite newly built capacity, leaving the market open to price spikes followed by demand destruction. The new Enterprise propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit reached full operating rates in the first half of this year after multiple delays in 2017.Enterprise built a 750,000 tonnes/year propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit in Mont Belvieu, Texas. The 750,000 tonne/year unit was operating at above nameplate capacity in June, up from an 84% operating rate in April and a 60% operating rate in February and March. The delayed start-up and slow ramp-up of the unit, in combination with outages for the other two PDH units in the US Gulf, tightened propylene supply and caused propylene prices to spike in early 2018. The DowDuPont PDH unit had a months-long outage in the first quarter, and the Flint Hills Resources PDH unit had a days-long outage in January. The issues were resolved, and the US Gulf PDH units were operating well through most of the second quarter. However, lower production from refineries and crackers has kept propylene snug heading into the second half of 2018. Propylene inventories at the end of June were at their lowest point in nearly two years.  
