中国石化新闻网讯 据《海湾新闻》2018年7月12日阿布扎比报道,美国通用电气公司(GE)麾下的子公司贝克休斯公司的一位高管最近在接受《海湾新闻》记者采访时表示,由于油价上涨带来越来越多的机会,贝克休斯公司打算把其在阿联酋石化行业的投资增加一倍以及扩大在海湾地区的立足点。 为石油和天然气工业服务的贝克休斯公司目前活跃在中东和北非的一些国家里,包括阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯、伊拉克、科威特、埃及和阿尔及利亚。 贝克休斯公司负责中东、北非、土耳其和印度业务的总裁兼首席执行官拉米•卡西姆表示:“我们正在寻求扩大我们在中东和北非地区的立足点并向该地区整个能源行业提供一种新的服务方式。” 卡西姆说:“例如,在该地区,我们一直在使用数据驱动的模型来帮助我们的合作伙伴实现更高水平的原油采收率。我们设计了一种低成本的连续油管重入钻井解决方案来接近地质复杂的目标。我们还在该地区油气部门的数字化中看到巨大机遇。” 李峻 编译自 海湾新闻 原文如下: Baker Hughes to expand footprint, double investments in UAE Baker Hughes, a GE Company, is aiming to double its investments in the petrochemical industry in the UAE and also expand its footprint in the region due to growing opportunities driven by higher oil prices, a top executive of the firm told Gulf News recently in an interview. The firm, which serves the oil and gas industry, is currently active in a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt and Algeria, among others. “We are looking to strengthen our footprint as we provide a new way of serving the industry,” said Rami Qasem, president and CEO of Baker Hughes GE for Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and India. “For example, here in the region, we have been using data-driven models that help our partners achieve higher levels of recovery. We have engineered a cost-effective coiled tubing re-entry drilling solution to access geologically-complex targets. We also see a strong opportunity in the digitisation of the oil and gas sector.”