Sound Energy公司是一家位于欧洲地中海地区的油气勘探开发公司,近日该公司宣布,在摩洛哥沿岸的Tendrara地区钻井工作正式开始。
来自/WorldOil 4月21日消息 编译/张弘引
TENDRARA, Morocco — Sound Energy, the European/Mediterranean-focused upstream oil and gas company, has confirmed the commencement of drilling of the first well at Tendrara, onshore Morocco.
With the rig-up completed on April 15, the well was spud on April 20, 2016. Drilling is expected to reach a total measured depth of 2,640 m with the drilling program anticipated to include coring, logging, completion and testing.
The company looks forward to updating shareholders on the achievement of each of the three casing points and achievement of TD. The final results of the well will be announced after the end of drilling and testing operations, approximately 80 days after the spud day.
- 张弘引
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